(**) Exporting includes one or all of the following (Excel, TXT, CSV, PDF, DOC)
Accounting System Integration
iWEIGH Solutions offers the flexibility to integrate our software packages with your accounting or ERP software. To date we have developed interfaces for the following accounting packages.
MYOB : The iWEIGH system will integrate directly with MYOB. There are options to import your clients and products (MYOB items) directly into your weighing package so no one has to manually enter them. This also ensures the matching fields are correctly spelled. The iWEIGH software then creates transactions using these items and creates a CSV file for MYOB to import and automatically generate summary invoices. Individual invoices are printed in the iWEIGH system while summary statements are printed in MYOB. The MYOB interface is purchased as a separate item when purchasing your weighbridge software.
QuickBooks (Intuit):The iWEIGH system will integrate with QuickBooks. There are two options to import your clients and products directly into your weighing package so no one has to manually enter them. This also ensures the matching fields are correctly spelled. The iWEIGH software then creates transactions using these items and automatically inserts these transactions into QuickBooks to generate summary invoices. Individual invoices are printed in the iWEIGH system while summary statements are printed in QuickBooks. The QuickBooks interface is purchased as a separate item when purchasing your weighbridge software. This feature can be run as a automated scheduled task on a PC.
Microsoft Navision :The iWEIGH system will integrate directly into the Navision database system. Both the iWEIGH and Navision databases use SQL making it easy for iWEIGH to collect and transfer the client’s data and store transactions directly into the Navision tables. This interface is purchased as a separate item when purchasing your weighbridge software.
XERO : The iWEIGH system will integrate directly with XERO. IWEIGH produces an export file ready for XERO to import to create invoices. This interface is purchased as a separate item when purchasing your weighbridge software.
Oracle : The iWEIGH system will integrate to Oracle. There are two options to import your clients and products directly into your weighing package so no one has to manually enter them. This also ensures the matching fields are correctly spelled. An iWEIGH service runs in the background to automatically upload completed transactions directly into the Oracle tables.
Greentree : The iWEIGH system will integrate to Greentree. . There are two options to import your clients and products directly into your weighing package so no one has to manually enter them. This also ensures the matching fields are correctly spelled. The iWEIGH software then creates transactions using these items and creates a CSV batch file for Greentree to import and automatically generate summary invoices. Individual invoices are printed in the iWEIGH system while summary statements are printed in Greentree. The Greentree interface is purchased as a separate item when purchasing your weighbridge software.
Civica Authority : The iWEIGH system is capable of automatically extracting the Civica’s debtor information. The system can also generate a CSV file which Civica can import to automatically generate invoices for the council’s accounts.
Microsoft SQL Server : Since the iWEIGH systems use SQL databases for their data management, iWEIGH can also directly connect to and communicate with other SQL database directly.
SAP :iWEIGH has the experience to interface directly with SAP. . The last project this was achieved was Orica Australia.