Features include:
- Layered Security for administrators to restrict access to functions throughout the application.
- Approximately 10 – 12 standard reports each with the ability to export as a PDF, XLS or DOC format.
- Optional Split Weighing process.
- Touch Screen operation for drivers.
- Preset fields against the vehicle such as the cartage contractor and product.
- Additional fields the driver can enter are Coupe ID, Operation Number, Docket Number.
- Print transactions to Dot Matrix Slip Printers, Thermal or Laser Printers.
- Allocated ID tags for the drivers.
- Automated Emailing of Reports.
- Other Weighbridge Ticketing functions can be included in the software such as Container and Bulk Product weighing.
- Web Interface available for Administration and Reporting functions.
- Interface available to loader driver PC or hand-held device.
- Multiple site database replication.
- Can be customized.
- Interfacing with client’s systems. Current Forestry interfaces LOGR and Trimble WSX.
- Reference sites available.
- Uses an SQL 2019 database.
- One annual fixed support fee.
- No ongoing maintenance fees.
These are just some of the features available in the Forestry Software program. Other hardware options are also available if the software is required to connect to devices such as Traffic Lights, Cameras, Boom Gates, Barcode Readers, RFID Readers etc…